Friday, April 19, 2019

Nous sommes tous français

Michelle Obama a fait une tournée internationale du livre pour promouvoir son livre, «Becoming». La semaine du 15 avril, elle a été rejointe à Paris avec son mari, l'ancien président Barack Obama.

Le soir du 16 avril, quelques instants après avoir bordé un bateau de tourisme sur la Seine, un incendie s'est déclaré dans les combles de la cathédrale Notre-Dame, ce qui leur a permis de capturer des images en direct sur leur téléphone quelques minutes plus tard.

Presque immédiatement, les habitants du monde entier ont été choqués par la catastrophe et les donateurs de France et d’ailleurs ont rapidement promis de l’argent pour la reconstruction. Bien que le candidat à la présidentielle Pete Buttigieg ait présenté ses condoléances au français dans sa langue maternelle (c’est l’une des 8 langues qu’il parle), les commentaires les plus éloquents sont, comme d’habitude, de l’ex-président Barack Obama:

«Notre Dame est l’un des grands trésors du monde et nous pensons au peuple français en cette période de deuil. C’est dans notre nature de pleurer quand nous voyons l’histoire perdue - mais c’est aussi dans notre nature de reconstruire pour demain, aussi fort que possible. "

La sympathie du monde pour la France est née pour des raisons totalement étrangères à la religion.
Après la destruction du World Trade Center, le 11 septembre, un soutien est venu de presque partout et le taux d’approbation de George W. Bush a rapidement atteint le plus haut niveau de sa présidence, à 90%.

En octobre 2001, le taux de vacance de bureaux à Manhattan s'élevait à près de 10%. Il n'y avait donc aucune raison impérieuse d'installer une autre tour de bureaux sur le site du World Trade Center. La raison pour laquelle la décision fut rapidement prise de reconstruire fut que le World Trade Center était un SYMBOLE du pouvoir et de la force de l’Amérique, c’est précisément pourquoi la première tentative de le détruire eut lieu 8 ans plus tôt, lorsqu'un fourgon chargé de bombe explosa dans le garage de la tour nord le 26 février 1993.

Le remplacement des tours jumelles du World Trade Center s’appelle One World Trade Center, mais il est également connu sous le nom de Freedom Tower. Il s’agit maintenant du plus haut bâtiment des États-Unis et culmine à une hauteur patriotique de 1776 pieds. La construction du bâtiment a commencé en avril 2006 et a été «complétée» le 10 mai 2013 et le bâtiment a officiellement ouvert ses portes le 3 novembre 2014. Sa construction a coûté 3,9 milliards de dollars.

Notre-Dame est la plus célèbre des cathédrales gothiques du Moyen Âge et se distingue par sa taille, son antiquité et son intérêt architectural. La cathédrale a été créée par Maurice de Sully, évêque de Paris, qui vers 1160 eut l'idée de convertir en un seul bâtiment, à plus grande échelle, les ruines des deux basiliques antérieures. La première pierre fut posée par le pape Alexandre III en 1163 et le maître-autel fut consacré en 1189. Le choeur, la façade ouest et la nef furent achevés en 1250, et des porches, des chapelles et d'autres embellissements furent ajoutés au cours des cent années.

Après la Révolution française, il fut sauvé des destructions éventuelles par Napoléon, qui se couronna empereur des Français à la cathédrale en 1804. Notre-Dame subit d'importantes restaurations de la part de l'architecte français Eugène-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc au milieu du XIXe siècle. . La popularité du roman historique de Victor Hugo, Notre-Dame de Paris (1831), dans laquelle se trouve la cathédrale, aurait inspiré les rénovations.

Avant la Révolution française, le catholicisme était la religion d'État de la France. En raison de l’adoption des déclarations du droit de l’homme en 1789, des lois de Jules Ferry des années 1880 et de la loi française de 1905 sur la séparation des églises et de l’État, la France aujourd’hui est résolument laïque. Bien que le catholicisme soit toujours la religion chrétienne dominante, la religion principale en France (39,6%) est «pas de religion». Même parmi les catholiques, seuls 5% assistent à la messe du dimanche. Ironiquement, l’un des effets de la loi de 1905, qui séparait église de l’État, est que l’État a acquis la propriété de toutes les églises construites avant cette année-là, ce qui signifie que la cathédrale Notre-Dame appartient en réalité à la nation française et non à la France. l'archidiocèse de paris.

Selon un sondage Eurobaromètre réalisé en 2010, 27% des Français ont répondu qu'ils "croyaient qu'il y a un Dieu", 27% ont répondu qu'ils "croyaient qu'il existe une sorte d'esprit ou de force de vie" et 40% ont répondu qu'ils " ne croyez pas qu'il existe une sorte d'esprit, de Dieu ou de force de vie ". Cela fait de la France l'un des pays les plus irréligieux du monde.

(Au cas où vous vous le demanderiez, la grande majorité des pays les plus religieux du monde sont en Afrique et la majorité des pays les moins religieux en Europe)

L’incendie de Notre-Dame a commencé dans le grenier de la cathédrale, a déclaré Jean-Claude Gallet, commandant des pompiers de Paris.

Le grenier est un espace de forme étrange, rarement visité, qui se trouve au-dessus des arches de pierre apparentes visibles depuis le sol des anciennes cathédrales européennes. Les diagrammes de Notre-Dame et les descriptions officielles de l’espace indiquent qu’il est quadrillé par des fermes de bois géantes, qui renforcent l’intégrité structurelle de la cathédrale.

 «Une fois que ces structures en bois massives commencent à brûler, elles ne peuvent presque jamais être arrêtées», a déclaré Jonathan Barnett, autorité internationale de la sécurité incendie chez Basic Expert en Australie. «Nous nous concentrons sur leurs murs de maçonnerie et oublions tout le bois massif qu’il contient.»

Chaque poutre de la charpente en bois du grenier de la cathédrale est fabriquée à partir d’un arbre individuel - plus de 1 300 au total - lui donnant le surnom de "la forêt".

Un espace sec comme le grenier a tendance à accumuler de la poussière et des débris, ce qui le rend encore plus inflammable. «C’est là que réside vraiment votre risque», a déclaré Andrew Tremlett, doyen de la cathédrale de Durham au Royaume-Uni, qui possède un toit voûté en bois semblable à celui de Notre-Dame.

Après avoir envahi le grenier, l'incendie s'est rapidement propagé à travers le toit et a englouti la flèche, une structure à ossature de bois recouverte de plomb.

Le grenier de la cathédrale était inspecté 3 fois par jour et les pompiers français étaient bien formés pour savoir quoi faire en cas d'incendie. Cependant, pour diverses raisons, l'incendie de la cathédrale était inévitable.

Selon l'article du Wall Street Journal publié ci-dessous, la cathedra a souffert de décennies de négligence, causée (en partie) par le refus des églises d'accepter des dons, ce qui aurait grandement contribué à ses besoins en matière de maintenance.

Les images de la cathédrale ont explosé ces derniers jours, mais les meilleures ont été fournies par Associated Press. Elles ont paru dans le journal local Tucson et dans d'autres journaux du pays.

Il y a des gens qui doutent qu'il soit sage de dépenser près d'un milliard de dollars pour l'église, mais ils ne comprennent rien. L’industrie française du tourisme est une composante majeure de l’économie, la France étant la destination la plus visitée au monde. Sophia Antipolis est le principal pôle technologique de l'économie française. Paris est classée comme la ville la plus élégante du monde, propulsant l'agglomération de l'industrie de la mode. Selon le FMI, en 2013, la France était le 20ème pays au monde en termes de PIB par habitant avec 44 600 dollars par habitant. En 2013, la France figurait sur l'indice de développement humain des Nations Unies avec 0,884 (développement humain très élevé) et 25e sur l'indice de perception de la corruption. L'OCDE a son siège à Paris, la capitale financière du pays
Notre Dame n’est donc pas simplement une vieille église, elle est un symbole de la France elle-même.

Dans des moments pareils, nous sommes toujours américains, mais nous sommes aussi français.
(N'oubliez jamais que la statue ci-dessous était un cadeau de la France en 1875.)

we are all French

Michelle Obama has been on an international book tour to promote her book, “Becoming”. On the week of April 15, she was joined in Paris with her husband, former president Barack Obama.

On the evening of April 16, moments after they bordered a sightseeing boat on the river Seine, a fire broke out in the attic of Notre Dame Cathedral, which allowed them to capture live images on their phones mere minutes later.

Almost immediately, people around the world expressed shock at the catastrophe, and donors from France and elsewhere quickly pledged money to rebuild. Although presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg expressed condolences to the French in their native tongue (it’s one of the 8 languages he speaks) the most eloquent comments came, as usual, from former president Barack Obama:

“Notre Dame is one of the world’s great treasures, and we’re thinking of the people of France in your time of grief. It’s in our nature to mourn when we see history lost – but it’s also in our nature to rebuild for tomorrow, as strong as we can.

World sympathy for France came about for reasons that are totally unrelated to religion. 

After the World Trade Center was destroyed on 9/11, support came from virtually everywhere, and George W. Bush’s approval rating quickly reached the highest level of his presidency, at 90%.

In October of 2001, the office vacancy rate in Manhattan was nearly 10%, so there was no compelling reason to put up another office tower on the site of the World Trade Center. The REASON that the decision was quickly made to rebuild was that the World Trade Center was a SYMBOL of America’s power and strength, which is precisely why the first attempt to destroy it occurred 8 years earlier, when a bomb laden van exploded in the parking garage of the North Tower on February 26, 1993.

The replacement for the twin towers of the World Trade Center is called One World Trade Center, but it’s also known as Freedom Tower. It is now the tallest building in the United States, and it tops off at a patriotic 1776 feet tall. Construction of the building started in April of 2006, and was “topped off” on May 10, 2013, and the building officially opened on November 3, 2014. It cost $3.9 billion to build.

Notre Dame is the most famous of the Gothic cathedrals of the Middle Ages and is distinguished for its size, antiquity, and architectural interest. The cathedral was initiated by Maurice de Sully, bishop of Paris, who in about 1160 conceived the idea of converting into a single building, on a larger scale, the ruins of the two earlier basilicas. The foundation stone was laid by Pope Alexander III in 1163, and the high altar was consecrated in 1189. The choir, the western facade, and the nave were completed by 1250, and porches, chapels, and other embellishments were added over the next 100 years.

After the French Revolution it was rescued from possible destruction by Napoleon, who crowned himself emperor of the French in the cathedral in 1804. Notre-Dame underwent major restorations by the French architect Eugène-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc in the mid-19th century. The popularity of Victor Hugo’s historical novel Notre-Dame de Paris (1831), wherein the cathedral is the setting, was said to have inspired the renovations.

Before the French Revolution, Catholicism was the state religion of France. Due to the passage of the Declarations of the Right of Man in 1789, the Jules Ferry Laws of the 1880’s, and the 1905 French Law on the Separation of Churches and the State, France today is decidedly secular. Although Catholicism is still the dominant Christian religion, the main religion of France (at 39.6%) is “no religion”. Even among Catholics, only 5% attend mass on Sunday. Ironically, one of the effects of the 1905 law, which separated church from state, is that the state gained ownership of all the churches that were built before that year, which means that Notre Dame cathedral actually belongs to the nation of France and not to the archdiocese of Paris. 

According to a Eurobarometer survey conducted in 2010, 27% of French citizens responded that they "believe there is a God", 27% answered that they "believe there is some sort of spirit or life force", and 40% answered that they "do not believe there is any sort of spirit, God, or life force". This makes France one of the most irreligious countries in the world.

(In case you are wondering, the vast majority of the most religious countries in the world are in Africa, and the majority of the least religious countries are in Europe)

The fire at Notre Dame  started in the cathedral’s attic, said Jean-Claude Gallet, commander of the Paris firefighters.

The attic is an oddly shaped space, seldom visited, that lies above the soaring stone arches visible from the floor of old European cathedrals. Diagrams of Notre-Dame and official descriptions of the space indicate that it is crisscrossed by giant, timber trusses that add structural integrity to the cathedral.

 “Once these massive timber structures start to burn, they almost never can be stopped,” said Jonathan Barnett, an international fire safety authority at Basic Expert in Australia. “We focus on their masonry walls and forget all the massive timber within.”

Each beam of the cathedral attic’s wooden frame is made from an individual tree — more than 1,300 in total — giving it the nickname “the forest.”

Notre-Dame De Paris/Maurice de Sully association 

A dry space like the attic tends to accumulate dust and debris, making it even more flammable. “That’s where your risk really is,” said Andrew Tremlett, the Dean of Durham Cathedral in the United Kingdom, which has a similar wooden vaulted roof like Notre-Dame’s.

After taking over the attic, the blaze quickly spread across the roof and engulfed the spire, a wood-frame structure covered in lead.

The attic of the cathedral was inspected 3 times a day, and French firefighters were well trained on what to do in the event of a fire. However, for a variety of reasons, fire at the cathedral was inevitable.

According to the Wall Street Journal article posted below, the cathedral suffered from decades of neglect, caused (in part) by the churches refusal to accept donations, which would have helped tremendously with its maintenance needs.

Pictures of the cathedral have exploded in the last few days, but the best were provided by the Associated Press, and they appeared in the local Tucson newspaper, and other papers around the country,

There ARE people who question the wisdom of spending nearly $1 billion on the church, but they are missing the point. France's tourism industry is a major component of the economy, as France is the most visited destination in the world. Sophia Antipolis is the major technology hub for the economy of FranceParis is ranked as the most elegant city in the world, which propels the agglomeration of the fashion industry. According to the IMF, in 2013, France was the world's 20th country by GDP per capita with $44,600 per inhabitant. In 2013, France was listed on the United Nations's Human Development Index with 0.884 (very high human development) and 25th on the Corruption Perceptions Index. The OECD is headquartered in Paris, the nation's financial capital.

As a result, Notre Dame isn’t simply an old church, it is a symbol of France itself.

At times like this, we are all still Americans, but we are also French as well.

(Never forget the fact that the statue below was a gift from France in 1875.)

Monday, April 15, 2019

the audacity of hope

The Audacity of Hope, the 2nd book written by then-senator Barack Obama , was released in October of 2006. The public response to the book was so positive that it was one of the reasons he announced his candidacy for president a little more than 3 months after its release.

I was reminded of the book again today for reasons that are totally unrelated to politics, or to each other.

The first reminder came when we watched Tiger Woods win his 5th Masters title at the Augusta National Golf Club. It was his first major tournament in 11 years, and it came 21 years after his first Masters championship at the age of 21. At the age of 21 years, 3 months, and 14 days, he was the youngest winner in the history of the tournament, surpassing Jack Nicklaus who had been the youngest player to win the Masters in 1963, at the age of 25 years, 2 months, and 21 days. Tiger won a little more than $2 million for his victory today, which will add a little more to his net worth of nearly $800 million.  

Jack Nicklaus still holds the record for the oldest victor in the Masters, when he won it in 1986 at the age of 46 years, 2 months, and 23 days. The 2nd oldest winner of the Masters?

Tiger Woods. When he won the Masters this year, he was 43 years, 3 months, and 15 days old.

Tiger’s last major tournament win was in 2008. Since that time, he has had 4 back surgeries, and endured a painful divorce, but he never gave up his dream of winning the Masters again. His steely demeanor during the tournament was a clue to his determination to win, once again, but it rapidly disappeared after he sank the final putt:

The second reminder also came as we watched the Masters, but it had nothing to do with golf.

Part of Sharon’s breakfast this morning was a Chobani yogurt, which has recently become her favorite brand of yogurt. The history of the company itself, though, is why all of us can be hopeful about the future.

Like Google, Chobani was founded by an immigrant. In the case of Google, the immigrant’s name was Sergey Brin, and he was an immigrant from Russia. He and fellow Stanford student Larry Page started Google in January of 1996. Today, it has the 4th highest market capitalization of any company in the world, at $818 billion. Sergey Brin is now 45 years old, and is worth $56 billion.

Chobani’s success is a lot more modest than Google’s but it is still impressive.
The founder of Chobani is an immigrant from Turkey named Hamdi Ulukaya. Chobani was inspired by Ulukaya’s childhood raising sheep and goats and making cheese with his family. Not impressed by the yogurt options available in the United States, Ulukaya made strained yogurt at his home in Upstate NY.  In 2005, after seeing an ad for a former Kraft Foods yogurt plant for sale in South EdmestonNew York, Ulukaya bought it with a Small Business Administration Loan[ He launched the strained yogurt business with the help of a handful of the plant's former employees. His goal was to provide Americans with a more authentic, nutritious and accessible yogurt[ In less than five years after launch, Chobani realized over $1 billion in annual sales and became the leading seller of Greek yogurt in America.

From a financial standpoint, Chobani is a successful company. More importantly, though, Chobani has been recognized as a socially responsible company.

Chobani Foundation[
Since the founding of the company, Chobani has donated a portion of profits back into the communities where its employees live and work. It’s charitable arm, the Chobani Foundation, was formed in 2010, and focuses on improving childhood nutrition, strengthening the communities near its plants in New York and Idaho, and supporting those in need after major disasters in the U.S
Chobani Incubator
Hamdi Ulukaya launched the Chobani Food Incubator in 2016 to support food entrepreneurs aiming to challenge the food industry, improve broken systems, and bring better food to more people. The program provides food and beverage startups with a nonequity investment, resources, mentorship and programming. 
Chobani shares
In April 2016, Chobani announced it was giving 10 percent of its ownership stake to its employees. The company allotted shares to its employees based on tenure, reportedly helping some of the company’s longest serving employees become millionaires. As of last June, Ulukaya himself was worth $1.7 billion.
Hiring refugees
In 2016, following reports on Chobani’s practice of employing refugees, the company received calls for boycotts and death threats. Approximately 30% of Chobani’s 2,000 employees are legally resettled refugees and immigrants.         

All of us are reminded, practically on a daily basis, what’s wrong with America and large parts of the world. As a result, it’s important to focus on the positive elements of our society so that we have, once again, hope for the future.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

the Nazi in the White Houe

Before you start to hyperventilate, please note that I did not say that Donald Trump was a Nazi. However, if you view this picture

or this picture, 

you would likely come to the conclusion that there IS a similarity between Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler – and you would not be wrong. 

Donald Trump is NOT a Nazi, but he IS a fascist. The sign below is posted at the U.S. Holocaust Museum on Washington, D.C.:

Donald Trump qualifies on all 12 items. 

Trump is officially the worst president that our country has ever had – and that’s not just my opinion. Here are a couple of sources to back up that claim:

On top of that, the majority of the people that he has nominated for various positions in his administration simply are not qualified for the position that they were nominated for. They are not necessarily evil people – they simply are not qualified for their position.

However, there actually IS one guy who really IS evil. If you wanted to quote scripture, this guy would be the devil incarnate, and he looks like this:

You may notice that he bears a striking resemblance to Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister, so let’s back up a step or two.
As a speechwriter for Trump, Miller helped write Trump's inaugural address. He has been a key adviser since the early days of Trump's presidency. An immigration hardliner, Miller was a chief architect of Trump's travel ban, the administration's reduction of refugees accepted to the United States, and Trump's policy of separating migrant children from their parents. On February 12, 2017, he appeared to question the power of the judiciary to limit the executive's role in setting immigration policy.
As a White House spokesman, Miller has on multiple occasions made false and unsubstantiated claims regarding widespread electoral fraud.
Joseph Goebbels was one of Adolf Hitler's closest and most devoted associates, and was known for his skills in public speaking and his deeply virulent anti-Semitism, which was evident in his publicly voiced views. He advocated progressively harsher discrimination, including the extermination of the Jews in the Holocaust.
To celebrate Hitler's appointment as chancellor, Goebbels organized a torchlight parade in Berlin on the night of 30 January of an estimated 60,000 men, many in the uniforms of the SA and SS. The spectacle was covered by a live state radio broadcast, with commentary by longtime party member and future Minister of Aviation Hermann Göring. (The picture below was taken in Charlottesville in 2017).

Goebbels was particularly interested in controlling radio, which was then still a fairly new mass medium. Sometimes under protest from individual states (particularly Prussia, headed by Göring), Goebbels gained control of radio stations nationwide, and placed them under the Reichs-Rundfunk-Gesellschaft (German National Broadcasting Corporation) in July 1934. (Today, trump just says it’s all “fake news”. )

The irony of Stephen Miller’s hard line immigration policy is that his family has GREATLY benefited from our county’s immigration policies. His uncle, David Glosser, goes into more detail in the link shown below.

For that matter, Donald Trump has also benefited from our immigration policies. Both his first, and his current wife, were immigrants. In addition, his mother was an immigrant from Scotland, and his paternal grandfather was an immigrant from Germany. Since he is now opposed to “chain migration”, it is worth noting that his in-laws from Slovenia are now citizens due to the chain migration policy. 

On Monday of this week, Representative Ilhan Omar from Minnesota went on record as saying that Stephen Miller “is a white nationalist”.  Soon after her comments were made public, the right-wing hate machine -- including Donald Trump himself -- has pounced on her, accusing her of targeting and “assaulting” Jews. Here is Trump’s tweet:

I see that the head of the Farrakhan Fan Club, @IlhanMN, took a short break from spewing her usual anti-Semetic bigotry today to accuse a Jewish man of being a “white nationalist” because she apparently has no shame.

She has already received death threats, which so far have led to the arrest of Patrick Carlineo of New York.

On Monday of this week, Trump told Stephen Miller that he was “in charge of his administration’s immigration policy. CNN reports Trump recently told border officials in Southern California to not allow migrants into the country because the U.S. doesn’t “have the room.” Along with Nielsen’s departure, the administration ousted Secret Service Director Randolph Alles and may force out the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Director Lee Francis Cissna. 

Ironically, our government also told the passengers of the S.S. St. Louis in 1939 that we did not have room for them. As a result of our action, roughly 25% of the passengers ultimately perished in Nazi concentration camps.

The absence of a coordinated policy process has allowed the most extreme administration voices to fill the vacuum. Miller has all but become the face of the issue, a development that even supporters of Trump’s “zero-tolerance” position say is damaging the White House. “Stephen actually enjoys seeing those pictures at the border,” an outside White House adviser said. “He’s a twisted guy, the way he was raised and picked on. There’s always been a way he’s gone about this. He’s Waffen-SS.”

Miller's own family is furious over his policies. Nathan's uncle, David Glosser has been especially critical of the Trump administration. This is what HE had to say recently:

 “Despots divide and rule by blaming vulnerable minorities for all of society’s ills,” he wrote last month. “They promise prosperity, order, and a resumption of a mythical great past era from which they claim authority….’I am the only one who can lead the nation forward and make us great again!’ was the rant of Mussolini, Hitler, and a host of other tyrants since time immemorial.”


A resumption of a mythical great past era from which they claim authority sounds a lot like this:

Since Stephen Miller did not have to confirmed by Congress for his current position, he is likely to remain in his current position for the duration of Trump’s presidency.

If you squint real hard, you could probably envision Trump in a Nazi uniform (see below) which would not necessarily be totally accurate:

The picture below, though, is “right on the money”: