Thursday, February 27, 2020

Fat Tuesday

Tuesday of this week was officially “Fat Tuesday”, the last day before the beginning of Lent. In keeping with the spirit of the day, I planned to make jambalaya when I got home. If you would like to make the same recipe, here is one example:

Inertia being what it is, I wound up instead buying a can of Campbell’s gumbo  soup, which was considerably easier to make – and it only cost me $1.99. I actually made gumbo from scratch when I lived in Flagstaff, and it took SEVERAL hours to make, so don’t try to do it yourself.

Fat Tuesday is also known as Shrove Tuesday. The expression "Shrove Tuesday" comes from the word shrive, meaning "absolve".  Like Lent itself, Shrove Tuesday is a time for Christians to "make a special point of self-examination, of considering what wrongs they need to repent, and what amendments of life or areas of spiritual growth they especially need to ask God's help in dealing with.".

Some Christian communities celebrate the day by  consuming pancakes. In others, especially those where it is called Mardi Gras or a translation thereof, it is a carnival day, the last day of "fat eating" or "gorging" before the fasting period of Lent. In case you are wondering, “Mardi Gras” is French for “fat Tuesday”.

Shrove Tuesday first started around 1000 A.D., but Mardi Gras has been around even longer, since it goes back to around 100 B.C., and was associated with the pagan feast of Saturnalia, which eventually became Christmas.

Since I went to a Catholic grade school and a Catholic high school, I got ashes on my forehead on Ash Wednesday for many, many years. The last time that I remember getting them was when I lived in Evanston, Illinois, and a female Episcopalian minister was giving ashes to people at a train stop in town. Surprisingly, the origin of ashes on the forehead is actually a Jewish tradition, and it dates back to the 1st century A.D..

Another feature of Lent, of course, is the absence of meat. The Catholic church still recommends abstaining from meat on Fridays, but since the second Vatican council, it is no longer mandated, but SUGGESTED. However, the current requirement is that Catholics also abstain from meat during Lent. Although fish has traditionally filled that role (which is why McDonald’s started to sell fish sandwiches in the 1960’s), the introduction of Beyond Meat and the Impossible Burger have expanded the number of options to avoid meat. Burger King sells the Impossible Burger and Carl’s Jr. sells a Beyond Meat burger, and you honestly can’t tell the difference between those offerings and a traditional hamburger. Sales of these two products is now $1 billion a year,

Lent is a precursor to Easter. Since the date of Easter is determined by the lunar calendar, it can be celebrated as early as March 28, or as late as April 21. In 2020, it is celebrated on April 12, which happens to be my sister’s birthday.

It’s still too early to put on your fancy Easter clothes,  but it’s not too soon to start eating a lot more fish. Tonight’s entrée was coconut shrimp – but we will have consumed a lot more fish before Easter gets here.

Bon appetit!

Monday, February 10, 2020

the great melting pot

American has long been known as a melting pot, and nothing brought that home more than the 2020 Academy Awards ceremony.

Early in the show, Indina Menzel and Aurora sang “Into the Unknown”, the theme song from “Frozen 2”. On stage were 9 other singers, who sang the song in 9 other languages, including Danish, Russian, German, Thai, and Spanish.
In the days when Bob Hope was the master of ceremonies, virtually all of the people on the stage looked pretty much the same – mostly white and male. Although Noah Cullen was nominated for an award in 1958, Sidney Poitier broke the color barrier in 1963, when he was awarded the Oscar for his performance in Lilies of the Field. Subsequently, Denzel Washington, Jamie Foxx, and Forest Whitaker also were awarded the statue for their Best Actor performances. The only black female to win an Oscar was Halie Berry, in 2001.

Overshadowed by the musical performances and great speeches was the fact that a former president ALSO won an Oscar. Netflix's “American Factory,” produced by Michelle and Barack Obama, took home the award for best documentary at the 92nd Oscars. It's the first Academy Award for the Obamas' production company, Higher Ground. The former president and first lady weren't able to attend Sunday's ceremony in Hollywood. (If you are a student of history, you may remember that Michelle Obama first said, “when they go low, we go high” during the 2016 midterms elections – hence the name for their production company.)

Worldwide, Korean is not a popular language. Only 75 million people in the world speak Korean.48 million of them are in South Korean, and 24 million are in North Korea. However, that did not prevent “Gangnam Style to become the first video to reach 1 billion views on YouTube in December of 2012.

There ARE people in our society who think that should all speak English, and they decry the fact that English is NOT our official language. However, their perception of reality is more than a little skewed, since there are more than 220 languages spoken in California, and 44% of the residents speak a language other English at home. Seven million Californians also say they cannot speak English well, which is nothing to be ashamed of.

Neither can the commander-in-chief.

Incidentally, if you feel like you would learn how to speak (or understand) Korean, the paragraphs below show you how it looks in the Korean language – and Google Translate can put it in a form that you can actually pronounce.

위대한 녹는 냄비

미국인은 오랫동안 용광로로 알려져 왔으며 2020 아카데미 시상식 이상으로 집을 가져 오는 것은 없습니다.

초반에 Indina Menzel AuroraFrozen 2 주제가 Into the Unknown 불렀습니다. 무대에는 덴마크어, 러시아어, 독일어, 태국어 스페인어를 포함한 9 개의 다른 언어로 노래를 부르는 9 명의 다른 가수들이있었습니다.
호프 (Bob Hope) 의식의 달인이었던 , 무대 위의 거의 모든 사람들은 거의 백인과 남성으로 거의 같았습니다. 1958 Noah Cullen 수상 후보로 지명되었지만 Sidney Poitier 1963 Lilies of the Field에서 오스카상을 수상하면서 컬러 장벽을 무너 렸습니다. 이후 Denzel Washington, Jamie Foxx Forest Whitaker 최고의 배우 공연 동상을 수상했습니다. 오스카상을 수상한 유일한 흑인 여성은 2001 년에 Halie Berry였습니다.

뮤지컬 공연과 훌륭한 연설에 그림자가 있지만 대통령 ALSO 오스카상을 수상했다는 사실이 사실이었습니다. Michelle Barack Obama 제작 Netflix "American Factory" 92 번째 Oscars에서 최고의 다큐멘터리 상을 수상했습니다. 오바마 제작사 Higher Ground에서 최초로 아카데미 상을 수상했습니다. 대통령과 영부인은 할리우드에서 열린 일요일 행사에 참석할 없었습니다. (역사 학생이라면, 미셸 오바마가 2016 중간 선거 기간에 처음으로낮게 우리는 높아진다 말한 것을 기억할 것입니다. 따라서 생산 회사의 이름입니다.)
세계적으로 한국어는 인기있는 언어가 아닙니다. 세계에서 7 5 백만 명이 한국어를 사용하며, 4 7 백만 명이 한국에, 2 2 백만 명이 북한에 있습니다. 그러나강남 스타일은 2012 12 YouTube에서 10 시청 최초의 동영상이되었습니다.

우리 사회에는 모두 영어를해야한다고 생각하는 사람들이 있으며 영어가 우리의 공식 언어가 아니라는 사실을 밝힙니다. 그러나 캘리포니아 주에는 220 개가 넘는 언어가 사용되며 거주자의 44 % 집에서 다른 영어를 사용하기 때문에 현실에 대한 인식이 약간 왜곡되었습니다. 7 백만 명의 캘리포니아 주민들도 영어를 못한다고 말하는데 부끄러운 일이 아닙니다.
사령관도 마찬가지입니다.

또한 한국어를 구사하는 법을 배우고 싶다고 느끼면 아래 단락이 도움이 것입니다.